Expert Sleepers FH-2 Custom configuration tool

My custom version of the Expert Sleepers FH-2 configuration tool is available at

The source code is available at GitHub.

Disclaimer :

This version has not been as thoroughly tested as the official release and might not work perfectly. If you encounter any problems, please refer to the official version for a stable experience. I don't offer any support for this customized version.

Description of the changes

The first two FHX-8CV are automatically selected because that's the config I have in my studio. I will update to the tool to start with no selection and save your choice between sessions.

Configurations management :

The Read configurations button will load all the configurations names from the FH-2.

The Load configuration drop box allows to quickly select and load a configuration. The prev and next buttons will load the previous/next configuration.

CV range colors :

The output ranges are colorized to better stand out.

Sysex import/export :

Load a sysex preset from a file or export the current configuration as a sysex file.

Sysex in the URL :

The Update URL will add the configuration sysex in the URL, as a fragment (what comes after the first #). This allow to bookmark a configuration with a URL. The Clear URL button will remove this sysex from the URL.

When you re-open this URL, the tool will detect the sysex and automatically configure itself according to this sysex. It will not update the FH-2. This just load the sysex config in the tool. You still have to click the Update FH-2 config button if you want to save this config in your FH-2.

Dark and Light modes :

The dark mode theme is a bit different, with no border around the controls for example.

Other changes

The tools should load much faster, thanks to some refactoring of the code (less document.write calls).