Raspberry Pi4B WiFi setup


sudo nmtui

Edit a connection

set : 
    Profile name : 
    SSID : 
    Mode : <Client>
    Security : WPA & WPA2 Personal
    Password : 


The networks definitions files are in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/.

Useful commands

# Quick status of all interfaces
nmcli dev status

# Detailed overview of all interfaces

# Get a list of all WiFi SSIDs
nmcli d wifi list

# Disconnect from a WiFi network
nmcli con  # Get the NAME of the WiFi connection
nmcli con down "connection_name_here"

# Connect to a WiFi network on a specific WiFi interface
sudo nmcli d wifi connect "ssid_here" password "password_here" ifname wlan1

# Show detailed information about a specific WiFi interface
iw dev wlan0 info

# Show WiFi link details (signal strength, bitrates)
iw dev wlan0 link

See also :